
Nepali Kanda free

It is not easy to get latest kanda unless your friend forward it or it is uploaded in sites. But what if I tell you that you can get all latest kanda as soon as they are published in a simple and free way. First you need to download telegram. After that if you directly search for the Kanda groups you might not get them because you need invitation link to join them. Now what you have to do is search "Romantic Nepali 18+" in the search. It is not necessary to join this group, just open it. Here if you scroll up you can find the link to the groups such as Boka sangathan, Brotherhood Nepal 18+, Jhapali Adda,Nepali Kanda etc Enjoy✌✌

Blue Planet Prize

Blue Planet Prize @BluePlanetPrize · Jun 16 The 2021 #BluePlanetPrize Winners are Prof. Ramanathan (USA), who investigated non-CO2 pollutants (SLCPs) & Prof. Munasinghe (Sri Lanka), who pioneered Sustainomics framework which views development issues from environment, social, & economic perspectives. This prize was established in the year 1992 by Asahi glass foundation ,Japan.It is the biggest prize in the field of environment with prize more than 500000 USD which is even greater than the nobel prize of environment "the goldman prize".No wonder why it is callec the biggest prize in environment. There is very interesting story behind it's naming, and here it is, Most of us know that Yuri Gagrin in april 12, 1961 went to space.When he looked down to earth it looked bluish in colour.Later in year 1992, at the conference of Rio de Janerio Asahi glass foundation named the biggest prize of environment "blue planet prize" due to this reason. Since then it has m